About Us

Work ED gives students of all ages the skills they need to break into high-earning, future-proof career pathways so that they can take control of their lives. We use our own highly trained staff and proprietary technology to make afterschool more accessible for all stakeholders, including school districts, students, parents, and business partners
11 Years
of experience creating innovative programs for youth all over the nation
students from Elementary to High School have graduated from our programs
success rating from students, parents, and educators.
Senior Leadership

Maria Beltran
Assistant Program Manager, Sacramento

The Pathway To Prosperity
Using a combination of work-based and problem-based learning, we give students of all ages the skills they need to break into high-earning, future-proof career pathways so that they can take control of their lives. We use our own highly trained staff and proprietary technology to make afterschool more accessible for all stakeholders, including school districts, students, parents, and business partners